Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Morning. Nothing To Say.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

"If you set out on a journey pray that the road is long
a wandering without apparent aim a blind groping
so you come to know earth's harshness not just by sight but by touch
so that you measure yourself against the world with your whole skin."

--Journey, Zbigniew Herbert

Friday, December 5, 2008


I just noticed that my one and only blog in this journal portrays me as a sloppy drunk. All I can say in my defense is that like most writers, I may unfortunately be best inspired while under the table. To anyone I offended: sorry but I can't erase it. I made a deal with myself that no matter how terrible or short-sighted my writings turned out to be I wouldn't cover anything up or post any convincing excuses that might portray me in a more positive light. I'm a horribly flawed person and I've come to terms with it--mostly.

I will admit though that some of what I wrote is not an accurate depiction of my feelings. Things aren't so black and white as I made them in that moment (although I believe he did pick me up that night thinking I looked like a disheveled $5 whore) and I certainly don't make real judgments about a person's character based on their appearances alone (see: peroxide and silicone). In fact, in an odd and private way I may even aspire to that kind of beauty since on any given day without the right application of make-up I'm in danger of looking a little homely. Ordinary. Possibly a touch Jewish.


In Cognition © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness