Thursday, March 12, 2009

Finished Product


Not best presentation but at least the vegetables are recognizable. The fact that filet mignon is the type of meat meant to be served rare/medium-rare forced my boyfriend to google "is 100 degree filet mignon dangerous" and eventually made me paranoid enough to not want to eat it at all. There was lots of staring and forks pushing around unwanted pieces. Definitely not the effect I was going for.

I was hoping for more of a "this is a great meal, thank you for showing me you love me". But I'm still trying to teach myself not to expect appreciation for ways I try to make his life happier with little things. So much effort is just overlooked.

Just the same, I was proud of my own cooking! Next time I'll just broil the meat. :)


Moneyeyes said...

You can cook for me anytime and I'll eat every bite, even if it means we end the evening in the ER :)

madyabyum said...

haha Awww thank you :) Fortunately that hasn't happened yet...*knocks on wood*

eight.blocks said...

That looks *better* than the men's health pic.

(side note: what is "micarrys" ? it's my verification word.


In Cognition © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness